The Hauser Lake name was Sucker Lake for a long and also, Mud Lake before the village became an official City by the State of Idaho on May 12, 1981. Extensive history is available at Hauser City Hall beginning in the late 1800’s. The town’s school was part of the 1917 history and was located on the Hauser Lake Road turn toward Hwy. 53 from where the Hauser City Hall sits today. Northern Pacific Railroad acquired the Spokane Falls and Idaho branch line in 1888. There were several mergers and Northern Pacific changed again and became Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BSNF) in 1996. The building which housed rail workers became a general store, and after John Cogan passed away in 1919, the property changed hands and the building became a local watering hole and after several renovations, and bar delineating Hauser Junction on Hay 53 called Curley’s Hauser Junction. There are twenty-five to forty trains a day, just half of the actual rail traffic, that can be refueled at the BNSF fueling facility.
Rail traffic brought visitors through Hauser Junction and decided the Lake was a perfect spot to put down roots. Before long a community began to emerge. Back then the area was called “The Village.” The official 1900 census listed thirty-eight residents, and today, the population is under 700.
This synopsis of City of Hauser history was written by City Clerk Donna Ray.
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